30 Years of Community Boatbuilding with CLC

Many of us first experienced building a CLC boat kit as we opened a kayak kit in our garage.  But we may not have had the experience of building a boat kit as part of a community.

 Want a boat to build with kids and teach them some math along the way? The Bevin's Skiff was intended for instructional settings where students use math skills when cutting and fitting the timber parts for the boat. A Bevin’s Skiff can be built nearly anywhere in just a few days because it does not require fiberglass or epoxy.

 CLC’s Peace Canoe is a great group boatbuilding project that also does not require epoxy. This boat can be built in a weekend and has been a very popular choice for corporate team building and family boatbuilding projects.

For the last 30 years, construction and use of CLC’s flagship kayak design, the Chesapeake series, has been the primary focus in the teen boatbuilding and wilderness discovery programs  at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum in Vergennes, VT. The teens build their own kayak, and then have the opportunity to paddle them on a two-week adventure on Lake Champlain.

Groups thinking about community rowing will find CLC’s Team Dory or Whitby Gig appealing choices. Lightweight and durable, both boats are affordable alternatives to traditionally built boats. Learn more about gig rowing at fixedseatusa.org or www.gig rower.co.uk.

Last, but certainly not least, is CLC’s replica Viking-era design, the Gislinge Boat. The Gislinge Boat is ideal for historic reenactment groups who are enthusiastic about the culture, dress, crafts, and daily life of the Viking period.

This reminiscence of the last 30 years of community boatbuilding may introduce you to some designs you may not have known about. If you would like to learn more about these boats, give us a call.  If you are interested in learning about boating groups in your area, visit the Traditional Small Boat Association at tsca.net, or Teaching with Small Boats Alliance at teachingwithsmallboats.org


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