In 2007, Chesapeake Light Craft teamed up with internationally recognized kayak and small boat designer Nick Schade, owner of Guillemot Kayaks, to offer high-quality boat kits based on Nick's designs.  Since then, do-it-yourself builders have used Schade's plans, books, and CLC kits to craft their own small boats at home, earning Guillemot Kayaks worldwide respect as a source of beautiful, high-performance boat designs.

In addition to these boats, Nick also produces interesting, instructive, high-quality videos. In December 2023, Nick launched a 32-episode kayak-building series with his friend Bill, who was building a CLC Petrel Play Stitch and Glue kayak kit. Each episode is divided into chapters that the viewer can easily search. The methods and steps performed in these videos will be helpful to anyone building a CLC kayak kit in their home shop. Anyone building a CLC kit will learn something new from this series.

Check out the 12-minute compilation video below (click on the image).

Go here to watch the entire series on YouTube.

Check out Nick's two books on strip-built kayaks here.



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