Annapolis Wherry by Paul C

The results are in! Congratulations to Paul C. of Jackson, Wyoming, whose elegant portrait of his Annapolis Wherry floated to the top of a tight competition. "It's several years old now but I maintain the paint and bright work every year," he wrote. This photo was taken "fairly early in the morning at my usual launch site. The site is at the south end of Jenny  Lake within Grand Teton National Park. It takes about an hour to row the perimeter of the lake; the views of the Teton range are stunning." They make an awesome backdrop for this lovely craft, too, Paul. Congratulations! 

Petrel by Bill H

Bill H. of West Lynn, Oregon, took this beautful shot of the Petrel that he built, as it is paddled by his nonegenarian mom on Hosmer Lake at sunrise. What a lovely way to spend one's later years. Well done, Bill, and kudos to your mom!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Kaholo 12'6" by Joseph P

Another close runner up was this fine action shot of his Kaholo 12'6" paddleboard submitted by Joseph P. of Pensacola, Florida. Looks like a fun ride! 

Eastport Pram by Cantwell C

Cantwell C of Cushing, Maine, offered these comments about this handsome shot of his beautifully executed Eastport Pram: "It shows both the use of gloss varnish transoms and rails and satin interior as well as the spacered inwales. Both were well worth the extra time. Anyone on the fence about the spacered inwales should see how more finished the boat is with them."

Team Dory by All Hands Boatworks

We have several great Honorable Mentions this time, starting with this submission from All Hands Boatworks in Milwaukee, showing their Team Dory in action, above, against the city skyline. The kids not only built the boat, they also built the 10-foot oars.

Below, more great work from young boatbuilders, a pretty portrait of the finely crafted Passagemaker Dinghy called "Flying Fur" built by Solomon M., an eighth grader from Southampton, Massachusetts. "It was fun to build and it’s fun to sail," he says. These photos were from a family vacation last summer to Island Pond, Vermont.

Passagemaker Dinghy by Solomon M

Chester Yawl by Brian W

Wrapping up the list of Honorable Mentions is this image of his Chester Yawl at the foot of the 100-year-old Columbia River Bridge sent in by another Oregonian, Brian W of Hood River. "Thank you for providing such wonderful kits!," he wrote. Thank your for your kind words, Brian.

Please keep the great shots of your beautiful CLC boats coming in. The next contest closes at the end of December, when we'll award another $150 prize! Send your images (please, no more than 3) to [email protected].

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