Take advantage of substantially reduced shipping fees when you order a kit for pickup at one of three regional locations in mid-March!
$95 for Boat Kits*
$195 for Teardrop Camper Kits
Call in your order or email [email protected] by the appointed date in February for your chosen location; we'll bulk-ship the kits to partners in Port Townsend, WA; Mt. Pleasant, SC; and York, ME, for pickup by appointment starting March 10th.
Northwest Maritime Center
431 Water St.
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Pick Up Dates: March 10 - 15th
Pick Up Times: 9am - 5pm (Please specify which day / time you plan to pick up your kit)
Must order by: 2/14
ALSO! On March 15 the NW Maritime Center is offering an Intro to Marine Finish Class - a great time to plan your pickup when you come to take the class.
Lowcountry Maritime School
1230 Pherigo St.
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
Pick Up Dates: March 10 - 14th
Pick Up Times: 8:30am - 5pm (Please specify which day / time you plan to pick up your kit)
Must order by: 2/20
Grain Surfboards
73 Webber Road
York, ME 03939
Pick Up Dates: March 10 - 13th
Pick Up Times: 10am - 5pm (Please specify which day / time you plan to pick up your kit)
Must order by: 2/20
Get a FREE CLC Portable Epoxy Station Kit with your order!
Order a boat (or camper) kit for delivery to one of our regional partners, and we'll throw in our latest accessory, a portable epoxy station kit ($98 value), for free.Below is further information for our Customers regarding our Regional Partner Pick-Up Offer:
Shipping fees: $95 for all applicable Boat Kits* and $195 for Teardrop Camper Kits
Reduced shipping fees apply to full-priced kits for pick-up at regional partner locations.
Customers must call in or email [email protected] with their order to participate in the Regional Partner Pick-Up.
If CLC does not receive a minimum of 4 kit orders per location, we will rescind the offer and communicate this to our customers.
*This offer does NOT apply to individual kits that regularly ship on their own pallet: PocketShip, Rhode Runner, Peeler Skiff, SW Dory, etc...
Midwest customers: We'll be at our usual spot at Canoecopia in Madison, WI, over March 7 - 9th; talk to us about free delivery of your kit order to the show!
Don't see a location near you? Contact us with your request for our next Regional Kit Shipment.