Introduction to Marine Epoxy Class

Location: Chesapeake Light Craft, Annapolis, Maryland
Dates: Saturday, January 25, 2025

Learn the essentials
of working with epoxy:

Saturday, January 25, 2025
9 a.m. - noon

Chesapeake Light Craft
1805 George Ave., Annapolis, MD

Join veteran boatbuilder/instructor Jay Hockenberry for a comprehensive, hands-on introduction to working with epoxy in our well-equipped classroom workshop here in Annapolis. The class size is limited to 20 students.

Have you wanted to build a boat, but lack of experience in working with epoxy and fiberglass is holding you back? In this class you'll learn epoxy safety, fillet techniques, applying fiberglass tape over fillets, fiberglassing over wood, fill-coating fiberglass, rail lamination, and how to install a breasthook. Slip on a pair of gloves and give it a go!

This is a 3-hour hands-on class. Students should expect to get epoxy on their clothing. We suggest wearing old clothing with long sleeves. A boatbuilder's apron also may be useful.

Epoxy tools and supplies will be provided by CLC. 

Tuition: $125, includes CLC T Shirt. Class limited to 20 students. 


To be added to the wait list, please email [email protected]


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