After more than 15 years of development, the evolution of LapStitchhas reached the stage where we can render complex lapstrake hull shapes in complete confidence without "strongback" molds.  Chesapeake Light Craft can design and build for you LapStitch™ hulls of any shape or size.  

Chester Yawl Whitehall Boat Kit

The Faering Cruiser is an example of a successful custom design/build project at Chesapeake Light Craft, using LapStitchto create an elegant, strong hull while minimizing build time.  On person assembled the hull in about a day-and-a-half!

CLC Faering Cruiser

This custom design, for a 32-foot, six-oared rowing gig demonstrates the level of complexity that can be achieved using 
LapStitchwithout a complex building jig.

Six-Oared Gig by Chesapeake Light Craft


Kit Shipping:  $95 Boats*$195 Teardrops

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