Private Boatbuilding Classes at CLC

Boatbuilding Classes

We have quietly provided private instruction to boatbuilders at our Annapolis shop over the years.  This possibility is growing more popular for individuals or families who can't make one of our many annual boatbuilding classes, or who simply desire the undivided attention of one of our professional boatbuilders.

These classes are available for most stitch-and-glue Chesapeake Light Craft kits.  Classes start Monday morning, run about 8am to 5pm through Friday, and end Saturday around noon.  The lucky builder or builders leave with an assembled boat, ready for final finishing at home.  

Individuals, families, business associates, or groups of friends have availed themselves of our famous hospitality and boatbuilding talent.  

The tuition for a week-long class covers the facility, instructor, pre-prep, and disposable supply costs for up to four students; the kit price covers the cost of the boat or boats to be built. 

The private class an especially great option for a family or friend group that want to spend week together building a few boats.  But for the first time one-off boat builder, this this may not be the ideal choice.  If that's that case, and our scheduled classes are not an option, maybe building one of our boat kits at home is the best choice. 

For more information and pricing, please contact Ed Wigglesworth:  

[email protected]

410 267 0137 ext 112

In November 2012, we filmed a time-lapse video of a private class in the CLC classroom.  Two students built a Northeaster Dory in five and a half days.


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