Re: Sad Times - Deck Sand

Posted by Kurt Maurer on May 8, 2004

Brad, in the end it up to you, and how much confidence you have in your abilities. But I think you will be safe enough with the ROS as long as you adhere to a few rules. First, keep your sandpaper sharp (as with all your tools). Second, keep a light touch... don't bear down unless you are sure you know what the hell you are doing. Let the sander (as with all your tools)do the work. Third, keep the sander in motion at all times. Period. Fourth, use 80-grit to start, and only go to finer grits if you see yourself getting into trouble. It is a good and decent back-up plan if you are having difficulty getting a true feel for what is going on, and fear you are getting in too deep. So is slowing down the sander if you happen to have a variable speed model.

And fifth: all this is my opinion, however considered.

Cheers, Kurt

In Response to: Sad Times - Deck Sanding by Brad Wells on May 8, 2004


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