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Re: MC 16.5 as single?
Posted by Dave on May 9, 2004
I made the decision pretty early on in construction to glue in a third set of rails, drilled with 1/4in holes, 1 inch on center, midway between the two design seat positions. The third set of wooden foot pegs, fixed and out of the plans, ended up, after measuring for my legs, about midway between the two design adjustable foot peg positions. I bolt each seat in place with four 1/4 in ss eye bolts with a nylon pull strap and can change configuration and seat adjustments pretty quickly. As a bonus, each wooden foot peg also has a small cleat on top for securing a drift or small float tube anchor line or other utility work. Still using the wooden slat seats augmented with Crazy Creek canoe seats and foam padding to boost my lovelier but shorter paddling partner who normally paddles from the forward position. I handle and paddle the craft quite a bit solo. Handles fine if one trims the boat as remarked by Peter. I'm no fisherman but put a line out anyway and catch supper from time to time. Dave
In Response to: Re: MC 16.5 as single? by Peter Lyons on May 9, 2004
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