other methods

Posted by mick allen on May 10, 2004

(paste)or just cut the whole jt out and add in a bridge pce to make up the length.

the other 2 methods: -just normally saw (razor) apart right on the scarfline jt betw the 2 panels. then either:

1. use a reinforced buttjt approach like pygmy yaks - butt the 2 together and back up w/ a ly of glass on either side or glass on outside and plyscrap on inside. or

2. butt the 2 together backside up (w/ clamp say 4 in away on ea side to hold in place) and scoop out the backside w/ say a sanding disk so that you approximately get the 2 panels tapering down to the face veneer at the butt. like 2 scarfs in either direction. then fill this back scooped out area with either glass or a pc of scrap that in itself is scarfed in 2 directions.

essentially just extending the scarf in both directions either using wood or epoxy composite as the backup. nobody'd ever know. your jt will probably be tighter looking than the wider glueline of a scarf as a bonus

In Response to: Re: Pix of above problem by mick allen on May 9, 2004


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