A bad weekend for scarfs

Posted by Chris Frazar on May 10, 2004

I too managed to botch a hull scarf this weekend. I blame it on the stacking. The bottom panel of my 16LT shifted. While both scarfed panels appear to line up correctly the joint on the lower one isn't lookin' so hot. The joint extends beyond the scarfed section so that there is about 1/8 inch of unglued overhang.

My first thought was to fill in the overhang with thickend epoxy. This would result in an ugly bump in the hull. My second idea if that failed was a butt joint (although it might take some searching to find a scrap piece of quality plywood). But I also like the idea of hacksawing it apart, although I'm not sure it would be pretty.

I'll keep you posted.

In Response to: Hull Panel Scarfing FUBAR by Bill Cabeceiras on May 9, 2004


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