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Re: Artic Hawk question
Posted by LeeG on May 12, 2004
that's what I did for a prototype 18'x21" s&g based on the CLC method. Except the sheer was upswept to the bow so in order to keep the foredeck from folding (like the Hawk) I pre-glued a rounded 1/4"x 3/16" mahogany strip along the centerline then after that was hard cured put 4oz layed on the bias over that. While the wet-out and fill coats were partially cured it was installed,,there was no folding/lifting of the glass. After the deck was cured it was solid enough to walk on, without a bulkhead. Doesn't the Hawk have a succession of 2oz layers on the deck around the coaming?
In Response to: Re: Artic Hawk question by Vike on May 12, 2004
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