10lbs Overweight

Posted by Mac on May 18, 2004

(I wish!)

I've just weighed my kayak using Kurt's suggested method. (If you have a hard chine, the yak will balance on it's side on a bathroom scale).

My designer suggested 44lbs for my 19' model.

I've added 2.8oz deck glass, and glassed the cockpit with 4oz glass as well. I also added mahogony rub rails with 3 inch spaced silicone bronze ring nails along the sheers and rails.

I didn't do end pours - my design doesn't call for them, and I removed all my stitching wire.

Being my first build, I'm sure I was a little too lavish with the fill coats (hull and deck), as well as the primer, paint and varnish.

End result, an extra 10lbs. I'll only really notice it while heaving the boat onto and off of the Caravan. Anywhwere else I'm draggin' her.

For loading and unloading from the van, I think I'll try using a piece of carpet over the back end of the roof and running her up instead of trying to lift from the side. (Terry - got some tricks for me here?)

Now to tackle the extra floatation on ME!



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