Re: Rudder lines - thru d

Posted by Rich P on May 19, 2004

I purchased tubing from McMasters-Carr through an internet order. I believe it was "Nylon 6" and after ordering the clear, I think the black would have been a better chioice. I am using 1/8" for the steel steering lines and passing them through the hull, just below the the shear clamp / rub rail rather than the deck. I am also trying the locate the heavier line to raise and lower the rudder below the deck and have it resurface on the front deck just forward of the cockpit. In both cases the tubing is to be sealed to the deck and not leaking into the rear section, at least that is the plan. The big question will be if the rudder has too much torque / weight to try to lift it this way. The fallback solution is to change the rudder blade from aluminum to carbon fiber, I'm already experimenting with the skeg. If all goes well, I'll try to make an appearance at Okumefest, though right now it looks like I'll still be varnishing in the garage.

In Response to: Re: Rudder lines - thru d by LeeG on May 19, 2004


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