Back in the saddle again.

Posted by George on May 21, 2004

.... I've managed to get out on the Missouri river twice now, since spring thaw and more decent water temps (still no dry suit - 'not a priority' (another story)). I didn't keep up with my exercise program as well as I wish, and it's amazing how fast ya lose it if ya don't use it. Yesterday, I paddled a few miles north of town, with the wind, but against a pretty good current, then turned around for the return. I prefer paddling into the wind; the boat just seems faster. But by then, the wind had picked up enough, it was a bit more work. The sun was shining, and I couldn't figure out where all that 'weather' was coming from, until I finally realized the sky behind me had grown very dark and menacing; there also appeared to be a funnel to the NW.

The pace of paddling picked up with renewed strength and enthusiasm. I covered that last mile much faster than the first, and even beat a fishing boat coming into the 'no wake' zone. Sometimes ya just need a little motivaton.



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