Re: Back in the saddle ag

Posted by George on May 21, 2004

The danger was more 'potential' than real; that particular storm blew on over, but it was a real "pick me up" (pun intended) in terms of motivation.

I've seen a few waterspouts on the river; pretty wild, from a distance. I've no desire to be on the water during one of those storms. I guess we're part of tornado alley, probably not as much as Kansas/Nebr. and further south. Interesting how tornados seem to 'bounce' up when they hit the bluffs of the Missouri; they usually go over our town, though they've done damage on either side of us.

Have fun tomorrow, Kurt. We expect pictures of the bash.

In Response to: Re: Back in the saddle ag by Terry Mcadams on May 21, 2004


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