Re: Yare stretch

Posted by Dave Houser on May 25, 2004

Why would you want to? I have a Yare and it is a fun bay boat good for learning bracing and sweeping. I considered making one a little longer with a tighter radiused deck for more legroom, lowering the aft keel and forcing a little chine into it with a bulkhead. I came to the realization there are more optimum designs out there.

I would never be able to fish from my Yare because I can only put the paddle down when the water is glassy smooth; it is just too tender (and I know you do like to fish). It all depends on your intended use and the Yare only excels as a trainer for paddle skills.

Since you have had a couple of Yares, you must know where you're headed. You should be able to just proportionally increase the length of the panels and not the width and get away with it on a two-panel hull (on a four panel hull the sides would be too short). You will have to add a second scarf joint in the panels.

In Response to: Yare stretch by Adam Bolonsky on May 24, 2004


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