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Re: Butt Joins
Posted by LeeG on May 26, 2004
actually on some Chesapeake bottom panels where there is the least amount of bend in a panel I've seen discernible flat spots at the scarf. It's possible when the two pieces of bottom panel ply are different grain in combination with a scarf glueing where one wedge ramps right up to the other edge not allowing for a small amount of scarf showing. The resulting glue joint ends up being thicker than the joining 4mm ply or slightly wobbly. It's not any big deal at all,,and isn't noticeable on narrower multichine hulls, but the picture in the old Kayak Shop Book showing the narrow scarfed panel bending next to the narrow butt panel has no relevance on the stitched up hull.
In Response to: Re: Butt Joins by David Wallace on May 26, 2004
- Re: Butt Joins by mike on Jun 19, 2004