Posted by Kurt Maurer on May 28, 2004

Steven Roberts said: "...(although, not in a CLC kayak... please forgive me)."

Au contraire. Thank You... for giving me a reason to say this one more time: Nobody ever said this forum was limited to CLC boats. CLC hosts the forum, but presents it as a free and open discussion of kayak building and technique. Period.

I was referring, in my paddling report, to time happily spent in my Squeedunk Kayaks Cormorant 16.

Builder/owners of Pygmys, Selway-Fisher, Roy Folland, Waters Dancing, One Ocean, Guillemot, Redfish, et al, post here, as does the occasional plastic/fiberglass/kevlar paddler. Some of them are essential to making this little corner of the internet what it is today, and all are welcome.

CLC is not struggling to keep up with the competition. They LEAD it, and lead it handily. This is, in part, because they really *bend over backwards* to ensure each customer completes his project successfully; and the confidence it inspires in first-timers is significant (heck, it had LOTS to do with my first boat being a Mill Creek 13). Sometimes their efforts "leak" over to, say, a guy building a Roy Folland kit (I would never divulge the rascal's name, but his initials are Mac Grundy)... but for every "transient" ("hobo" is more like it, in Mac's case) they help, there are probably ten kit customers lured in by this most noble and excellent of marketing tactics.

No, I don't work for 'em. In fact, I rarely work at all. I'm a stinkin' bum.

Cheers, Kurt

In Response to: Re: FINALLY A TRIP REPORT by Steven R on May 28, 2004



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