Re: Row (paddle)/Sail/mot

Posted by C. fronzek on May 28, 2004

Goucho, Most small sailboats with a transom will take a small motor (2-3 hp) but you'll have to unship the sailboat rudder when you go to motor power. Sailboats that can take 2-3 people in comfort need to be a minimum of 14' by 50". The sail requirement would be about 75 sq. ft. or bigger. Professionally made sails this size are often equal in price to the boat they are mounted on. If you go to a smaller boat you'll have to leave the dog at home and sit very close to your boat-mate. At the moment I'm building a D4 pram that's 8' by 46". I'm setting it up to do everything you mentioned but it would fill up with one adult and a small child (or a dog). The material for the hull and the spars cost about US$250 and a ready made sail is US$200. has numerous small sailboat plans. Charlie

In Response to: Row (paddle)/Sail/motor by Goucho on May 27, 2004
