Re: coats to seal under d

Posted by Kurt Maurer on May 29, 2004

Check out the photo below. It is I, taken while in the process of applying epoxy to the underdeck regions *in situ*. Yes, I forgot to do it before hand...

This is a good reason why I will never install a deck per CLC ever again. Without clear access to the deck's underside (I got lucky in having provided myself with outsized hatch openings) you are kinda limited to hoping you got it right the first time (something that rarely, if ever, happens with me). The basic design is otherwise just dandy; the cambered deck looks wonderful, and as far as I am concerned from an engineering standpoint, the pre-stressed panel arrangement you wind up with works well in concert with the monocoque scheme of the whole.

But pre-sealing the deck panel underside is *one area* where I would recommend NOT using a squeegee. Best slather the goo on, for your one shot had better be a good one. Or do like I did: make generously sized hatch openings, and get busy.

Cheers, Kurt

Pair O' Mill Creeks Project

In Response to: Re: coats to seal under d by LeeG on May 29, 2004



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