Re: many co

Posted by Kurt Maurer on Jun 2, 2004

This is one area where I would prefer to consult the manufacturers instead of the forums. I'd ask both the epoxy AND varnish people.

If you ask someone like the guys at CLC, for instance, I would expect to hear something like "well, we have always applied 5 to 6 coats, and never had a problem." Which is all good and well... but it doesn't help you since you want to know about bare minimums.

If you find something out, would you please report back to us? I slopped two coats on my Cormorant without sanding or anything, and called it a day. I want to go paddling, dammit. 'Scuze my French. Let you know in the fall how I made out.

Cheers, Kurt

In Response to: many coats? by Tom Anderson on Jun 2, 2004
