Re: rubrails

Posted by Mac on Jun 2, 2004


If you plan to fiberglass over the rails you can use nails for sure. Even if you epoxy and varnish over the rails - the nails will be sealed.'Course you'll never get them off again should you decide to replace them.

If you want the "Look Ma, No Nails" look, you can draw a line where the bottom of the rails will be, and hot glue little scraps of wood just below that line about every 10 inches. This will provide a base to keep the thickened epoxy glued rails from slipping down as you tape them in place. Once the epoxy has cured and the tape is removed, the hot glued scraps will knock off with a sharp rap from a hammer - even some bad rap from M.C. Hammer. Once epoxied on - they ain't commin' off without a fight.

Or screw 'em!

If you decide that you don't want them to be permenant, finish your boat as if you weren't going to use rubrails. Then mount them a little lower than the rounded deck edge (see Kurt's photos to see what I mean) with BRONZE screws. Pre-drill and fill the holes with marine silicone as a minimum to fight water infiltration. Or do Drill, Fill, Drill (search this forum) as the ultimate. Space your holes evenly, and you'll make an attractive addition to your yak.

Rubrails can cover the varnish to paint seam between the hull sides and deck, and also cover the fiberglass cloth edging/feathering that happens along that edge.

Think it through and do what seems best for your needs. This is a focal point on the finished boat.

Happy building!

In Response to: Re: rubrails by jim nelson on Jun 2, 2004


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