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Re: many co
Posted by Steve Miller on Jun 2, 2004
I like to look at it from a maintenance view. Sort of what will make my life easier down the road. So I do at least 6 coats. That way I can give it a light sanding every few years and add two coats. I consider the top two coats sacrifical. I think you could do it with 4. What what you want to avoid is having to sand into the epoxy at some future point.
The idea is to never let it get bad enough that you need to strip it all off and re-do. That takes 4 min coats, 6 is better. My 2 cents - as most of the forum regulars will recognize I am not a work boat finish guy but I also support a finish level that makes YOU happy.
Have fun.
In Response to: Re: many co by Paddler on Jun 2, 2004
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