Re: WR180 Trip Report!!!!

Posted by George on Jun 2, 2004

Very much enjoyed your write up; nicely, done, "I was there" (I even had sore arms, and my back hurt).

Sounds to me like a great place to paddle, but lots of traffic. I don't have much of that to worry about here, but give the speed boats a wide berth, and them, me (so far). Being swamped by a big boat would rather torque me off, but imagine I'll deal with it. My bracing skills seem to be coming along nicely.

Memorial weekend was my three days off to devote to paddling; we had the first two days with heavy rain, lightening, and cold temps. Day three had winds to 66 mph! I was a landlubber, instead. But tonight I had calm waters, cumulus clouds out west, and sunshine. I paddled around town, crossed the river under the bridge, talked with some fishermen, and had a very nice time, thank you. No dramatic sunset or landscape; only a few fish and ducks. Some days are very dramatic and vibrant; others are just nice. Sure beats .... well, just about anything else.

In Response to: Re: WR180 Trip Report!!!! by LeeL on Jun 2, 2004
