Oh Boy (sweat) Oh Boy

Posted by Kurt Maurer on Jun 4, 2004

Mac, this evening I'm going to a group paddle / rescue practice / rolling clinic thing the Houston Area Sea Kayakers have invited me to. This group has a reputation a mile long for being the most polished and professional bunch of *officious snots* on the water. I imagine they're gonna have a field day with little old self-trained me. But I don't care a whit about what anyone thinks, as long as I get along fine with that guy I see in the mirror every day, so I look forward to it in my usual masochistic way.

I have been waiting a LONG TIME to get an educated evaluation of my technique, or lack thereof. Think of it as a video that can reach out and whack you upside the head now and then, if not constantly.

Will file a report with you, as always.

Cheers (I hope), Kurt

In Response to: Video by Mac on Jun 4, 2004



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