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Re: Spraydeck for MilCree
Posted by RogerJ on Jun 9, 2004
In the process of modifying my 50/50 canoe I set myself up to laminate all my deck braces. The peaked decks would have used straight, easy to build, braces. The beams are flexible enough you could probably make a removable spray shield with the support in a long sleeve like a sail batten. Flex the batten into slots in the coming and maybe use some bungie cord around the edges stretched to small hooks. It would not be the same as a spray "skirt", you wouldn't wear it, but it should shed some of the water/spray and keep the forward part of the cockpit drier. RogerJ
In Response to: Re: Spraydeck for MilCree by Baldwon on Jun 8, 2004
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