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Re: shaking my head
Posted by Kurt Maurer on Jun 9, 2004
Lee... LOL!!! I *knew* you'd come through!!! Hell, I started laughing the instant I saw that header...
Yessiree, I KNOW that roll stinks. I had lots of 'em fail that day. Man, if my two coaches saw that pic, why, they'd just give up right there and beat me to death with a 220 cm Onno full tour carbon signature 2-piece paddle. It would have taken a while, but that would have been their idea.
My own inexperienced eye saw no layback whatever, weak hip-flick, really poor paddle position... Yeah, the roll got me up, but it was a lot harder than it needed to be!!
I'm here to tell you folks that when everything goes as advertised, very little physical effort is required to roll. It is definitely a thing where technique can remove 90% of the brute force otherwise needed... if not more!
Thanks again, Lee... I'm gonna study your post again after while, right before I head out for another practice session.
Cheers, Kurt
In Response to: shaking my head by LeeG on Jun 9, 2004
- brute force by LeeG on Jun 9, 2004