Re: Today's Report

Posted by George on Jun 12, 2004

Nice report, Kurt, and it sounds like you had a blast. We've had unseasonably rainy weather this past week (I LOVE it!), so I just got out on the water again tonight. Pretty mellow paddle; aside from the speed boats and those D##ned "PWC" buzzing around, the water was actually quite calm. I had to laugh, though, when a large skiboat, loaded with teenyboppers/yahoos, tried to dump me by hitting the throttle, backing off, repeating (with the hull crashing down hard each time), and setting up some pretty nice waves. Very enjoyable; they seemed disappointed at my response.

The water is finally warm enough to practice some of those 'safety' techniques you've been talking about. Being from cowboy country, I think I'm gonna go for a John Wayne first. Letcha know,all.

In Response to: Today's Report by Kurt Maurer on Jun 12, 2004



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