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Re: too cool
Posted by Dave Grainger on Jun 14, 2004
The process for making the divinycell deck involved use of the CLC laminated beam fwd of the cockpit, then mounting a full length carlin down the center of the boat both bow and stern (I increased the height of the bulkhead aft of the cockpit), bending the carlin so the deck profile looked good, then calculating radii for a deck beam every foot, then hot gluing in the beams, then hot gluing in more carlins outboard of the center one because the divinycell was sagging when I forced it into the compound bend. I also created butt 'blocks' out of 3 mil ply where the thwartship joints of the d'cell landed. Then I put clear packing tape around topsides at the sheer, and hotglued the divinycell to it on the outside edge, and butted the d'cell together over packing taped butt 'blocks'. then I glassed the outside, made and installed the coaming, taped the outside of the deck around the sheer and down the centerline and hot glued a temporary strongback to the tape to stop any springback when I removed the deck from the hull. Then I removed the deck, flipped it over, evacuated foam wherever things were attached or went through the deck (access plate, shock cord tubes, rudder tubes, rudder line cleat, vent screws) - then filled wher I evacuated the foam with thickened epoxy, then glassed the inside of the deck, flipped it and glued it onto the sheer clamp using packing tape to clamp it into place after removing all the deck framework used to shape the d'cell, then removed the external strongback. Yow! The boat weighs between 40 and 50 lb., including an SRS tiller bar footbrace unit and adjustable SRS racing seat. I used too much resin on the inside of the boat.
In Response to: too cool by LeeG on Jun 14, 2004
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