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Re: Three Day trip
Posted by Rich P on Jun 15, 2004
I did a couple of kayak-camping trips last year, and have signed up for more this year. The procedure we always used for a fully loaded kayak was to have four people lift. One bow, one stern, and one on each side of the cockpit. We did this for all kayaks, plastic, fiberglass, and even the structurally built wooden boats. Its not worth taking the chance, what do you do with a broken boat in the middle of a four / five day trip. Given the locaation and conditions, I would unpack the kayak before moving it with only two people. The Sageunay Fiord is next on the list. I will try to put some trip reports up if I could figure out how to load photos.
In Response to: Re: Three Day trip by Alex Ferguson on Jun 13, 2004
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