Re: I am a geek

Posted by Steve C on Jun 18, 2004


Nice thought . . .

My 2 cents . .

There are so many journals of S&G projects that I don't even go through the details of construction anymore. The information that I hit on the builder's sites is who they are, where they are, how do they use the boat, is there anything really different about their boats, where have they paddled, and their opinions of whether the design met their need. Otherwise, this forum and Guillemot's kayak forum provide all the how to that I will ever need.

For opinions on boats, there are reviews at

By the way, one of the best sites I've seen to date was by Courtney Malvik ( Seeing her site convinced me to build . . .

Steve C CLC 17LT CLC Triple

In Response to: I am a geek by Joe Lombardo on Jun 17, 2004



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