Re: Gee, Joe...

Posted by Kelly C on Jun 23, 2004

I don't know about CLC's information on kayak building, but I think the information for building the lapstitch boats like the wherry is sparse at best. I can think of half a dozen possible improvements to their instructions, just from the last few weeks' work. Example--they talk about "thickened epoxy" used for fairing the bow and fillets, but never bother to mention in the instructions that the thickener should be microballoons (which don't come with the kit). Heck, when I called them to clarify this, 2 years ago, they said to use wood flour! Bad idea, that stuff is nearly impossible to use as a fairing compound.

Just my 2 cents.

In Response to: Gee, Joe... by Paddler on Jun 18, 2004



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