Re: Caution, guys

Posted by Mark Camp on Sep 10, 2004

It does smell. But, I grew up in Philly. So propane, with a spritz of hydrogen sulfide, is like ma's home cooking to me.

Anyway, you are probably right. I have trouble getting the gas barbecue to light, with both controls set to "Incinerate", so maybe I was just born lucky when it comes to tragic conflagrations. In school we used to fill big balloons--made of jumbo leaf bags held together with duct tape--with pure hydrogen, and light them. And I admit that, far from being responsibly concerned about the safety of any girls from East Campus who may have been walking by, I was alway bitterly disappointed by the lackluster little "fp-p"...really I think it was mostly the firecrackers you heard, not the H2.

In Response to: Re: Caution, guys by Terry Mcadams on Sep 10, 2004



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