cart before the horse

Posted by gober on Oct 5, 2004

I put the cart before the horse. I built my paddles first while saving up for my plywood. My vote is build your own. I somewhat followed the The Strip Built Sea Kayak plans but did make some adjustments. After checking out this website I had to make my own. I used 1x2x8 cedar for the shaft(laminated 2 boards together with epoxy @home depot they were about 2.00 each ). For the blades I used Walnut,Maple and poplar(bought white not green). As for the shape look at some paddle company's website they often show you detailed pictures of the blade. The finished product looks good but I have to say it did take more than 5 hours to build. I built 2 at once and it probably took about 20 hours. Wood cost was minimal I think about 25 bucks total. What way to spruce up a boat. Yea I built it, the paddles too. If you want pictures email me I am working on building a web page should be up in the next few weeks.

In Response to: Re: Paddle for MillCreek1 by RonC on Oct 5, 2004
