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Re: ch 17 - putting it of
Posted by RonC on Oct 6, 2004
If you don't take the first step, you will never get it built.
Break the process down into smaller steps. Each completed step is it's own reward. You can't look at a pile of plywood and tools and think, "how is that going to become a boat?"
Years ago when my wife and I through hiked the Appalachian Trail, people we would meet on the trail would ask us if we were going to "go all the way to Katadin", "Nope" we'd answer, "we're just trying to get to the next shelter today". Before we knew it, we had reached enough of the shelters to be standing at the top of Mt Katadin in Me.
Good luck and enjoy the process.
In Response to: ch 17 - putting it off. by ray on Oct 6, 2004
- Re: ch 17 - putting it of by Terry Mcadams on Oct 6, 2004