Re: How did you do handle

Posted by Karl on Mar 21, 2005

The handles themselves are made from a lengh of 1" hardwood dowel. I drilled a 3/8" hole through the middle, and chamferred the ends on a belt sander, then varnished. The padeyes are bronze pieces that I mounted to the deck using 1 1/4", #10 brass woodscrews. I drilled pilot holes and lightly countersunk them into the endpours. The yellow line is just 3/16" braided nylon that I doubled by looping through itself. Just as an extra measure of security, I dipped the threads of each of the screws into unthickened epoxy before screwing them in. Hopefully they don't ever pull out, they'll take out more than the screw if they do.

FYI, in case anyone is interested, the link brings you to my geocities page which has a number of different construction shots. I've finally figured out how to link them to bigger images now so most of the pics can be made larger by clicking them (not all yet)

In Response to: How did you do handles by Jon T on Mar 21, 2005



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