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the trick
Posted by LeeG on Sep 21, 2005
Deck is tack glued on the exterior. Hatches are cut out. Interior deck/hull seam is done in three sections, through the cockpit and fore/aft compartments through the hatches. Interior/exterior glassing across deck/hull seam is the most common method for attaching decks to hulls in composite construction and strip boats so more than one person has figured out efficient methods to justify the effort. On the ones I did the end pour was done the same time as the seams by tilting the kayak on edge with the bow on the floor and stern touching the 7'-8' ceiling. Three oz of thickened epoxy is slowly poured down the seam to the end. When it's firm a 4' section of wet tape is layed on it with whatever is necessary to continue to the bulkhead. When cured it's flipped and the same repeated on the other side. It results in an endpour that's oriented in a V looking down from the top and a tiny fillet for the tape to lay on. There's no need to attempt to work only through the cockpit, actually you can't if the bulkheads are already glued in.
In Response to: Re: Shop Cam of Sheer wat by John Short on Sep 21, 2005
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