human nature story

Posted by BobE on Sep 23, 2005

Short story about from a noted boat builder Robb White in S. Georgia:

... he sent his generator to Ocean Springs, MS. ... more about it...

That generator saga is interesting. We bought it back around 1982 when we built our little house over on Dog Island. It is only 7.5 hp (Honda) but it has the unusual capability to put out 220 in addition to 110 so it will barely pull a submersible deep well pump. It was very rusty from sitting around on the sand while we built the house but it runs fine. I started sending it to hurricanes maybe 85 or so and have done it ever since. It reassures me about human nature. I have my name and address on a little tag and that's all and it always comes back and usually there is a note about what all it did. When it came back from Charleston that time, it had been wire brushed and painted and the oil and air cleaner had been changed and it had a new spark plug! I would send it to Rita next but it ain't back from Katrina yet. Oh well,




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