Re: getting ready to plan

Posted by Howard on Sep 24, 2005

pad-out the horse well...i then typically will use a bungee cord to hold the boat down on the padded-out horse.

as karl metnioned, a sharp plane helps. its also a very good idea to make sure you are wearing eye protection and that you watch carefully the placement of your finigers on the horse.

the eye protection should not just be want protection all around your eyes to keep out any bits of glass that sometimes can be thrown up as you plane into the glassed sides. watch your finger tips as well as the glassed edges can be very sharp.

finally, this step is probably the most laborious (unless you have a lot of experience with a plane). take your time. you may want to hold the plane through a towel to prevent blisters on your hand.

In Response to: Re: getting ready to plan by Karl on Sep 23, 2005



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