Re: Weekend report

Posted by George K on Oct 4, 2005

First of all I want to thank Joey for his kind words and for posting the pics of my boat. I was able to take home second place in the paddling craft division, losing to an Adirondack Guide boat. Yup, those things are beautiful and he deserved the blue ribbon.

About my rear hatch. I did not buy the standard flush hatch kit from CLC as I hadn't decided to recess it untill after I was in the process of the veneer work. I figured out how to do it using this forum, the CLC shop tips and another kayak forum which is primarily strippers. Boats that is, not women. There is a finger pull in the hatch and internal bungies hold it in place. It has proven to be water tight so far. I'll post some pics if anyone's interested.

The MASCF was a real hoot and it's a pleasure talking to like minded guys about something we all love doing. Sorry if you were there and I didn't get a chance to chat. I'll be back next year shooting for a first place ribbon! Already have an idea and a year to work on it.

And Kurt, we're having a festival here in Cortez, FL on April 1st next year that I'll be at and I definitely want to come to the TBB so have it a couple of weeks later if you can!

George K

In Response to: Re: Weekend report by Chris on Oct 3, 2005



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