New Shearwater Design?

Posted by Jonathan Raab on Oct 11, 2005

Two years ago I built a Chesapeake 17LT for my wife. She let me race it this year, and I did quite well for a first race. But next year she wants to race the boat heself, so it's time for me to build my own. I'm intrigued by the new Shearwater 17. I'll probably only race once or twice a year, and will mainly be paddling after my wife on lakes and in the ocean. Two questions: 1) How much faster is it than the 17 LT? 2) Does it need a skeg (I didn't put one on the 17LT and it handles very well w/o it, but I have a plastic perception that handles terribly when the skeg's not down)? Anything else I should consider adding or need to know, before I spend the winter building it? Also, looking for any pictures of the hybrid, I'm having a hard time envisioning what the finished deck would look like? Thanks.
