Re: 3" fiberglass strip

Posted by LeeG on Nov 17, 2005

The use of tape can complement fast constructions but the moment you start going down the path of making things pretty or deal with sharp raised edges of glass tape needing to be scraped down for paddler comfort/safety you start questioning it's ubiquitous use. Especially in applications like the Chesapeake cockpits where cloth is placed OVER the chine/keel tape resulting a thick bubbly combination inviting wholesale scraping/sanding across what one would assume is a complementary layer of 9oz tape and 6oz glass. It's useful for joining decks/hull seams that are a few feet beyond your reach but other than that it starts to be a bother. Consider getting a wheel glass cutter and see how you can eliminate a lot of scraping by cutting strips of 6oz cloth. A 3"x18" strip of bias cut 6oz WILL lay down easily on the curved keeline interior or exterior. A 3" x 18" piece of 9oz tape will not. And if the tape is from the center/end of the roll where it's tightly wound it'll be just as likely to have little raised waves that won't lay flat when wetted out.

In Response to: Re: 3" fiberglass strip by Mike on Nov 17, 2005



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