Re: padlers weight

Posted by FrankP on Dec 6, 2005

Sand bags are a good solution, except they will suck up water and add more weight than just the original sand weight, so you'll have some variance to the amount of ballast you have. And it might not be much but just a few pounds can make a difference. Of course that assumes your boat takes on as much water as mine does.

No matter what you decide on, consider building some anchor points along the sheer clamps so things don't move around too much.

I would suggest putting the majority of the ballast in front because the volume of the 18 is already large even when you meet the weight specs. Without ballast up front your going to have a lot of wind effect that will tire you out quickly. Maybe try 15 kg fore and 10 kg aft (close to the cockpit) and see how the boat handles, then adjust accordingly. That will put you right in the "sweet spot" of recommended paddler weight and distribute your ballast pretty evenly


In Response to: Re: padlers weight by terry on Dec 6, 2005



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