Re: Outside Storage

Posted by Mac on Dec 8, 2005

Sun and moisture are to be avoided. Loosen the hatches to allow air circulation - but not varmit entry, flip 'em over and keep them a foot or so off the ground - moisture.

I think boat bags - if airtight - may invite condensation - not good.

However, the boats should have total shade as the winter sun plus snow gets very bright and the ol' UV is intense. Maybe the boatbags opened?

Course, whatever the covering - it has to withstand the wind.

I think your temporary storage shed is a great idea - just keep the yaks well off the ground.

If you can build the shed on the north side of the house - even better. Let it freeze and stay frozen. Freeze / thaw cycles create moisture.

I'm pretty sure the boats will survive - they're pretty tough.

Where do you live?


In Response to: Outside Storage by David on Dec 8, 2005



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