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Re: Not your typical post
Posted by Mac on Dec 11, 2005
Thank's Robert.
Ya dun a good.
I'll keep your story fresh in my mind.
Ive just finished doing a volunteer Santa Claus stint locally, and realized that a goodly number of the kids coming to see me for a free photo are looking foward to that picture as about the only present the family may have this year. (When we were sure this was the case, we managed to take single shots, group shots, family shots etc.)
I'm pretty sure I was getting the warmest hugs from those who only have hugs to give. And ya know what? A genuine hug's worth more than gold.
Merry Christmas Rob! Thank's for the gift.
And Happy Holidays to All.
Mac from Montreal
In Response to: Not your typical post by Robert N Pruden on Dec 11, 2005
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