Re: Graphite/Epoxy and UV

Posted by CLC on Dec 16, 2005

>>>>>>Does the gaphite/epoxy mix require UV proection?


In principle, yes. Epoxy/graphite isn't any more UV stable than just plain epoxy.

In practice, we rarely see graphite-epoxy on the top of a boat. Usually it's a sort of skid plate underneath the boat, not much exposed to sun. And a UV-coating like varnish would get skinned off the first time you slide up on the beach if it's part of an anti-abrasion campaign.

Used topsides, you should do something like varnish over it. That'll make a glossy black stripe and it will survive sun exposure indefinitely.

Bow & Stern Rubstrips

In Response to: Graphite/Epoxy and UV by Mike on Dec 16, 2005



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