Re: John'sharpie plans

Posted by CLC on Dec 29, 2005

>>>>>>>>>>(c) it is a very low volume product, perhaps retained in the catalog more for historical reasons than out of any current strategic business commitment. So, CLC's incentives to address any marketing accuracy or as-delivered quality issues that might come up (like advertising a full kit but not actually offering it, or dimensional errors in drawings and cut parts, or instructions that are not clear and complete) would tend to be 3 orders of magnitude lower than in a kayak.


Boy, you've just tarred with your brush not just the Sharpie, but the entirety of the world's portfolio of build-it-yourself small sailboat plans. The vast enormity of them are just a sheaf of blueprints, no manual to speak of (this describes most of WoodenBoat's offerings, for example). Not even the designs of equivalent complexity from the Bolger-Payson collaboration are more completely described, or more free from inconsequential errors.

I take it as a point of immense personal pride that we've raised expectations for plans and instructions to such a level...

In Response to: Re: John'sharpie plans by Mark Camp on Dec 29, 2005



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