Re: Awesome!

Posted by Rod H on Jan 10, 2006

I will second all that Mr. LeeG said in his response. I started sanding my CH17 kit with an ROS with just the little baggy supplied with the ROS. My livingroom/shop was covered with a heavy coat of dust. I attatched an old chimney sweep vac to the port of the ROS and the dust decreased dramaticlly.

As for the foam brushes they work great. The point he made about the chip brushes leaving bristles is all to maddengly true. This will cause a lot more sanding and blemishes if uncaught until after whatever you've done sets. I would especially recommend foam brushes for the varnishing steps. I finished mine just before Christmas and did her maiden voyage the friday before Christmas in the Snake River. I put in at the Twin Falls dam resevoir by the Idaho town of the same name. She floated great and I'm glad I did it. Hope tou get 'em done and have a great time sailing.

Rode H.

In Response to: Re: Awesome! by LeeG on Jan 9, 2006



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