Re: bristle brushes

Posted by Loren on Jan 11, 2006

Speaking of Random Orbit Sanders, we order our sanding discs (and all our other sandpaper) from Klingspors. Their sand "paper" is made on a cloth-like material and each sanding disc will last approximately 10 times longer than the cheap paper based sanding disc that most local hardware stores sell. Get a sandpaper cleaning block to clear the grit when it gets loaded up and it will last even longer.

In our woodshop we sand with a shop vac plugged to the ROS, over a downdraft table and with a shop air filter running. That's as close to dustless sanding as you can get. Sanding on a boat you could at least have a shop vac or, better yet, a portable dust collector attached you your sander.

In Response to: bristle brushes by LeeG on Jan 11, 2006
